Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth Hatcher

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Grammy Award-vinnende sanger og skuespiller Randy Travis og hans manager Elizabeth Hatcher var gift i nesten to tiår. Parets lange ekteskap endte i en veldig ekkel skilsmisse. Noen ganger er kjærlighet ikke bare nok.

Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis and His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInsiden The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth Hatcher

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Hans karriere, leder og ekskone

Da Randy vant en talentkonkurranse i Charlotte, fikk han en jobb av klubbeeieren Elizabeth Hatcher. Hun hyret ham til å synge og vaske opp i klubben.

Med sitt talent hadde countrysangeren mange innkjørsler med loven, og en dommer løslot ham til slutt i Elizabeths varetekt. Ikke lenge etter ble Elizabeth hans manager, kjæreste, og senere giftet de seg.

Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis and His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInsiden The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth Hatcher

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Signert til Warner Brothers Records, Randys debutalbum, Livsstormer , ble ansett som et av tidenes største countryalbum. Hans hitsanger inkluderer 1982, Diggin ’Up Bones, Forever and Ever, Amen, og Whisper My Name.

Han tok seg en pause fra musikken og bestemte seg for å prøve å opptre. Sangeren ble kastet inn i flere vestlige filmer før han kom tilbake til countrymusikk. Legenden er nå rangert som nummer 13 på CMT’s 40 Greatest Men of Country Music.

Randy og Elizabeths stygg skilsmisse

Etter nesten to tiår med ekteskap, avsluttet Randy og Elizabeth, et av countrymusikkens lengste par. I følge Associated Press , inngav paret en begjæring om oppløsning av ekteskapet med henvisning til 'tilstand av inkompatibilitet mellom de to partene.' Til tross for deres skilsmisse forble Elizabeth den personlige lederen for countrysangeren.

Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis and His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInsiden The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherGetty Images / Ideal Image

Det varte ikke lenge etter at stygge beskyldninger kom opp og kampen for det som tilhørte hver person ble ekkel. Landslegenden hevdet at ekskona hans var en svindelartist som prøvde å ødelegge karrieren hans og jukse ham, ifølge TMZ.

Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis and His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInsiden The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherGetty Images / Ideal Image

Randy hadde anlagt sak mot sin ekskone og leder i tre tiår og hevdet at hun hadde brutt kontrakten sin ved å snakke om ham for å ødelegge karrieren hans. Han hevdet også at Elizabeth løy om reiseutgifter for å få forskellen i lomme.

Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis and His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInsiden The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherGetty Images / Ideal Image

Søksmålet kommer etter at Elizabeth hadde inngitt sitt og hevdet at Randy var den som brøt kontrakten deres da han sa opp henne og ønsket full forvaltningshonorar.

Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis and His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInsiden The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherGetty Images / Ideal Image

Kjemp med hjerneslag

Countrysangeren ble innlagt for viral kardiomyopati på et sykehus i Dallas-området. Hans tilstand var kritisk da han fikk hjerneslag under operasjonen for å avlaste trykket i hjernen. Heldigvis overlevde han.

Inside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis and His Ex-Wife and Manager Elizabeth HatcherInside The Easty Divorce of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And And Manager Elizabeth HatcherInsiden The Nasty Divorce Of Country Singer Randy Travis And His Ex-Wife And Manager Elizabeth Hatcher

Getty Images / Ideal Image

Kona Mary flyttet ham til et rehabiliteringsanlegg for fysioterapi.

Og når det gjelder Elizabeth, gitt den tiden disse to var sammen som forretningspartnere og elskere, er det tydelig at de en gang brydde seg dypt om hverandre. Dessverre var den kjærligheten ikke nok til å hindre dem fra en offentlig og ekkel skilsmisse.

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